Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our long run experiment Coin toss

In math we were studying long run experiments. We were doing coin tosses and our trials consisted of five trials, ten trials, twenty trials, fifty and one hundred.

Location:Godley Road,Burnham,New Zealand

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

My kapa haka expierence

Boom, boom, boom, boom,boom, boom, boom, my heart was pounding out of my chest as I got one step closer. " I'm gonna throw up " wimpered Isabell . Then before you know it we have our heads held high walking onto that stage. " Hupe, kiraro " shouted Taleah, this is the last time that I will ever represent my school. As I was performimg I had to smile and have my bead held high and overcome my nerves. Every clap, every smile made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. When our haka hit, WOW there was just no words to explain it. While we where walking off stage I was trembling with honour relief and happiness. Back in the main room was a weird feeling. Before you know it we had a cold bottle of H2O. As we sat down on our seats and watched the rest of the performance it was just mindblowing. Seeing people get up on that stage and showing strenth for their school, just awesome. At the end of the day it was sad knowing that its was my last performance. On the plus side knowing that I have represented my school made me feel honoured. I walked out of there with no regrets.