Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. Jupiter is also the biggest planet in our solar system.

Jupiter is made of helium and hydrogen. Jupiter has a rocky core that may be filled with liquid. Jupiter is also made of gas that is why he is called a gas giant.

Jupiter is a big brown planet. Jupiter has a ragging storm that you an just see. Jupiter has lots of clouds around him.

Jupiter has about 63 moons altogether that each have different names. Some of Jupiters moons are called Lo, Callisto and Ganymede. All of Jupiters moons orbit Jupiter.

Jupiter is a really bright and big planet.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Measurement Example

This is a picture of a measurement sheet. What i did was we got the sheet and had to turn it upside down. After that Matua Nathan told us to go so we did, then when i was done you had to turn it upside down so no one could see your answer.  Then lastly we had to give it to Matua Nathan. What I did well was that i took my time. I think i did pretty good.
From measurement examples

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Term 2 Goal Reflection

Here are my reflections for my term 2 learning goals.

Sophie C

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How did the popcorn dance.

Have you ever seen popcorn dance before? well i have and it is amazing to see popcorn dance. It is fun and unbelievable to watch.

Firstly we got into our groups of four or five to do this experiment that Matua Nathan planned. Then someone had to go and full up the glass 3/4 full and bring it back to our table. After that Matua Nathan came around to our table and put a couple of drops of green food colouring into our glass. Then we mixed the food colouring around in the glass. Then we got a handful of popcorn kernels and put it in the glass. After that Matua Nathan came and put one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of vinegar into our glass. Lastly we mixed the glass and all the popcorn kernels came bobbling up and down.

First it looked like normal clear water but when you added the green food colouring it turned into a cool green colour. Once you added the vinegar and baking soda the glass begain to fizz with lots of bubbles.

The baking soda made the glass all fizzy so the popcorn kernels came up with all the bubbles around it. When the kernels droped it was because the bubbles were falling off the popcorn kernels, so it made them dance.

It was a really cool experiment because you could see the popcorn dance. I hope i can do it again. :)