Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. Jupiter is also the biggest planet in our solar system.

Jupiter is made of helium and hydrogen. Jupiter has a rocky core that may be filled with liquid. Jupiter is also made of gas that is why he is called a gas giant.

Jupiter is a big brown planet. Jupiter has a ragging storm that you an just see. Jupiter has lots of clouds around him.

Jupiter has about 63 moons altogether that each have different names. Some of Jupiters moons are called Lo, Callisto and Ganymede. All of Jupiters moons orbit Jupiter.

Jupiter is a really bright and big planet.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Measurement Example

This is a picture of a measurement sheet. What i did was we got the sheet and had to turn it upside down. After that Matua Nathan told us to go so we did, then when i was done you had to turn it upside down so no one could see your answer.  Then lastly we had to give it to Matua Nathan. What I did well was that i took my time. I think i did pretty good.
From measurement examples

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Term 2 Goal Reflection

Here are my reflections for my term 2 learning goals.

Sophie C

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How did the popcorn dance.

Have you ever seen popcorn dance before? well i have and it is amazing to see popcorn dance. It is fun and unbelievable to watch.

Firstly we got into our groups of four or five to do this experiment that Matua Nathan planned. Then someone had to go and full up the glass 3/4 full and bring it back to our table. After that Matua Nathan came around to our table and put a couple of drops of green food colouring into our glass. Then we mixed the food colouring around in the glass. Then we got a handful of popcorn kernels and put it in the glass. After that Matua Nathan came and put one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of vinegar into our glass. Lastly we mixed the glass and all the popcorn kernels came bobbling up and down.

First it looked like normal clear water but when you added the green food colouring it turned into a cool green colour. Once you added the vinegar and baking soda the glass begain to fizz with lots of bubbles.

The baking soda made the glass all fizzy so the popcorn kernels came up with all the bubbles around it. When the kernels droped it was because the bubbles were falling off the popcorn kernels, so it made them dance.

It was a really cool experiment because you could see the popcorn dance. I hope i can do it again. :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sophie m, Caylee and I made a planet called Neptune. Firstly we did 4 layers of paper mache. Then we put on one coat of white paint. After that we painted Neptune blue.Lastly we put on the clouds and and put the light blue paint on Neptune to look like the the blue hole. We worked really well as a team.I couldn't find anything wrong in our work i think it was just right.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


On Thursday Ruma Whitu went to a place called Initiatives in a big dark forest. We went to Initiatives to learn about teamwork.

Firstly Priscella talked to us about what to do and what not to do. Then we all got into our groups to head off to a challenging station.

When we got to our station the preasure was on. Everyone was getting angry at each other and starting to get really competive.

After that we moved from station to station. Lastly Priscella got us up into our class again  and had a little talk about  it and if it was boring or fun. But everyone had their thumbs up.

Initiatives was fun and tough but we all had a good time. The thing i could improve on is to help the team more. :)

Brain teaser

Q: A man was speedind and ran through a stop sign. Two police officers saw him and just sat there why?

A: He was running.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


short speech.

My family is speical to me because they are just a lovely part of my life.I have 4 sisters and 1 brother. Every two years we go to nana and grandads house for chrismas. Cousins,Antys and Uncles come with us it is so cool to see everyone. Sometimes the year we arn't going to nana and grandads we go to our nanas up north to see our other family. I love my family i am glad i am with them. <3

Monday, May 30, 2011


Acrostic poem.




I'm the youngest in the family.

Look after you.

Young and old.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

brain teaser

Q: if it takes 6 men one hour to dig 6 holes how long does it take one man to dig half a hole?
A: you can't have half a hole.


Hat designs.

A hat can be made up of main parts. crown,the part that covers. Peak, the stiff part at the front that stops the sun and rain from going in your eyes. Brim, a pice of stif material that goes all the way around the hat. Lining, some hats have a lining with a label.


The first ever picture of a hat was a straw hatthen a skull cap. Ladies wore veils hoods and caps. Thenmilners started making ladies hats 500 years ago. They made bats and bonnets 100 years ago. Ladies started wearing bonnets , decorated with flowers,feathers and ribbens; some types of hats are akubara,balacalua,bonnet,baseball cap,beanie,beret,bowler,bucket hat,busby,sunhat,cowboy hat,fascinator,hard hat,glengary,motor board, panama,peaked cap, helmet, santa hat, sombrero, top hat, trillby and a turban.


Monday, May 9, 2011



Handy for winter

Amazing for summer.

Thermal hats.

Some hats are different shapes,colour,size and different types of accessories.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My term 2 goals

1. I want to get better at my at my sloping because they are uneven.
2. I want to make my work interesting by adding lots of details.
3. I want to get better at my 8 times tables so i will be quicker at math.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is a piece of writing about a meringues.We used our 5 sences - Touch, Taste, Smell, See, and Hear, to describe the meringues.

To day we did our five sences, On a meringues. The meringue felt like a bumpy rock  on the bottom of your feet. It also felt like sand crumbling between your toes. The taste of the meringue tasted like candy floss melting in your mouth. It also tasted like lots of gummy bears in your mouth yum. The meringue looked like a clinder  but swirly and with a hole right through the middle  and the colour is white. I could hear the meringue crunching in my mouth like crackers. The meringue smelt like lots of pavolovas and it smelt yum, like lots and lots of lollies. I wish there was another one.