Monday, May 30, 2011


Acrostic poem.




I'm the youngest in the family.

Look after you.

Young and old.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

brain teaser

Q: if it takes 6 men one hour to dig 6 holes how long does it take one man to dig half a hole?
A: you can't have half a hole.


Hat designs.

A hat can be made up of main parts. crown,the part that covers. Peak, the stiff part at the front that stops the sun and rain from going in your eyes. Brim, a pice of stif material that goes all the way around the hat. Lining, some hats have a lining with a label.


The first ever picture of a hat was a straw hatthen a skull cap. Ladies wore veils hoods and caps. Thenmilners started making ladies hats 500 years ago. They made bats and bonnets 100 years ago. Ladies started wearing bonnets , decorated with flowers,feathers and ribbens; some types of hats are akubara,balacalua,bonnet,baseball cap,beanie,beret,bowler,bucket hat,busby,sunhat,cowboy hat,fascinator,hard hat,glengary,motor board, panama,peaked cap, helmet, santa hat, sombrero, top hat, trillby and a turban.


Monday, May 9, 2011



Handy for winter

Amazing for summer.

Thermal hats.

Some hats are different shapes,colour,size and different types of accessories.