Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Term 1 goal reflections

To use comma and apostrophes with confidence:
I have been achiving this goal by reading my work to my buddy,reading out loud to myself and also keeping an eye out for really long sentaces.

To add and subtract decimals that include tenths, hundredths, thousandths:
I have deffinatly achived this goal because i have learned different starategies and and have been practicing new strategies lot more.

work hard in all my studies to try and achive the academic cup at the end of the year:
I have been trying hard alot more in tests and focusing more in my classroom.

I know that I have archived my commas and decimal goals.I am still working on my apostrophes and my academic goal will be my goal for the year. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Plant decisions

YouTube Video

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Team work

"Sophie can you please go into the space group " said Miss Shinn on the 26 of march. Today the amazing Room 6 got a specific job to do with our dull looking garden. My awesome and unique team were working on the spacing part of our garden. We decided to grow a plant no longer than 1.64 meters, and also to space out we're the plants will go.

Our ideas were great but with everyone's unique ideas and suggestions we will have a colourful looking garden